How Juul Made $38bn While Addicting 27% of HighSchoolers to Nicotine.

You’d think marketing or promoting nicotine would be against the law. You’d think it’d be impossible to make claims against that. But Juul has created a vaping epidemic. It’s causing as many as 27% of high schoolers to be addicted to Nicotine. And it may lead to the next cigarette epidemic too – as 47% people who used Juul products would go on to start smoking within 18 month’s time.



Sources (there will be more);


Standford study concluding Juul marketed to teens.


Teens 16x more likely to juul.


How Juul is being punished.


Juul knew about and emulated school program that big tobacco used in internal emails;


How Juul targeted teens.


47% of young adults, 4x more than usual, end up smoking within 18 months of using Juul.


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