Category: Humour In Hospital

How I stayed SANE during treatment. Hope it makes you smile!

  • My Huge Clock. Humour in Hospital #4

    Before you get all worked up, re-read the title. 

    As it is Christmas today, I thought I’d share the best gift I’d ever gotten. 

    You see, in hospital, while getting my treatment (i.e. chemotherapy and radiation), I’d often wake up with intense pain or nausea, often finding myself drenched in sweat. And every time that happened, I got scared.  
    But the worst thing about that was that I’d wake up in the middle of night and not know whether I’d had 5 hours or 5 minutes of sleep… not know whether the doctors or blood collectors would be coming in soon, giving me ample time to sleep, or if they were hours away. 
    I couldn’t help but panic when that happened. 
    I used to always complain about this. But one day my uncle overheard me. And he thought up an ingenious solution for this problem. 
    He set out to get me a clock. 
    This is what he got me…
    To this day, I can remember my jaw dropping as he unveiled this masterpiece. And never again did I feel that panic when I’d wake up at night. Instead I’d be left smiling at the most ridiculous gift I’d ever gotten. 
    The clock itself was a godsend. For the first time, I was lifted out of the confusion that is hospital, where I’d be stuck inside 4 walls, left to sit in a constantly chilled 24 degrees Celsius without any knowledge of what was going on in the outside world. I wouldn’t worry about whether or not I should bother to get back to sleep. I was, for the first time, in power in hospital. 
    But, to be honest, I think the best thing about this gift was the little thrill and that suppressed giggle I’d have every time a nurse burst into the room and said;
    “My Nikhil! What a large CLOCK you have!”
    Merry Christmas everyone. 
    Wish you and your families all the best for the next year, and hope this can help put a smile on you or your loved ones’ faces.
 <– If you or a loved one needs help or if you enjoy my blogs or if you’re interested in medicine, like my page on facebook =]
  • It’s 2020 and I’m Not Sure If I’ll Be Able to Tell If It’s April Fool’s Anymore…

    It’s been a wild year so far. So wild, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to tell the difference between an ordinary day and April Fool’s by what I’m gonna see on news and social media…

    So much for 2020 vision.Can someone call it off, just for one year maybe? Be careful, and don’t be had this April Fool’s!

    Be careful people. Don’t be tricked. If you’re keen for a laugh, check out this playlist I put together of the stupid stuff I’ve pulled on family/friends over the years!




  • Inner City Hipster Struggles to Find New Alternative Medicine Trend As All The Ludicrous Ones Are “Already Taken”.

    Inner City Hipster Struggles to Find New Alternative Medicine Trend As All The Ludicrous Ones Are “Already Taken”.

    Click to ReTweet this article –

    True struggles were finally outed for embattled Inner-western suburbs university student and influencer, Ketchup Sharmautar, as he opened up to his month long struggle to find anything ridiculous, yet natural, to post about trying to his 13,222 followers.

    “It’s not easy being me.” confessed Ketchup, “And it’s not like you can just make these up. Getting the correct balance between something left-field enough to capture attention, while still being natural enough and marketable to make a decent margin through my online store.”

    “The gold rush is over. The Good Old days of Urine Smoothies and Coffee Enemas are gone. You just can’t be original without risking organ failure these days.” He sighs.

    When asked why he didn’t just promote good, healthy advice, Keshav had this to say. “You try selling people evidence-based advice. It’s boring. Like and follower suicide.”

    While it is true that the best weight loss solutions involve a bit of work and conscious control of some dietary habits, the explosion of Instagram Stars online has fueled more and more misinformation. Cancer Researcher Nikhil Autar points out that cancer patients who took alternative medicines have a 2 – 5.7x higher rate according to numerous studies, with various factors to blame. But you don’t care about those peer-reviewed sources! Read on!


    “This used to work wonders, until every single combination literally ran out. How am I supposed to get validation from my friends on Facebook now? To share the official Complimentary Medicine Organisation generator, or to comment your own natural therapy – click here.

    “I tried everything. From picking through compost mounds and pulling out random combinations of fruits and veg, to using Alternative Medicine Generators, nothing worked!” exclaims embattled 24 year old star, Ketchup. “Since my amazing vitamin company that I’m-not-allowed-to-say-the-name-of-in-public-but-am-allowed-to-if-you-DM-me went belly up, I’ve actually considered selling pharmaceutical products on Instagram.”

    “I don’t have an obvious disability or anything. Apparently pharmaceuticals have enough ethics to insist on that.” scoffed the little prick, while examining his hairline on his phone’s front-lens camera. “But I’m sure I could pull a Gibson on people and call it a prank.” he laughed.


    Instafamous Entrepreneur, Ketchup, Pictured here, understandably disappointed by an eggless sugarless cake he was forced to plug during birthday celebrations.
    “You know how hard it is to get alternative cake that’s Vegan, Gluten and GMO free AND Organic these days??? Of course it tasted shit.”

    Pharmaceuticals are actually selling real medicines via Instagram in a desperate bid to reduce sales budgets, which now are greater than 3x R&D spend. “We saw the amazing successes of completely made up things… We figured our actually proven stuff would sell like hotcakes.

    Influencers are conflicted, however. “I’m not sure if something shown to work can be alternative enough to match our audiences.” pouts 80% of all Instagram models selling you a juice cleanse. “I mean I LOVE the fact that they cost followers thousands, as that generates large profits from me. But the whole ‘proven to be safe and effective through numerous clinical trial things’ doesn’t really sell as much as you think it does.”

    This has not been Nikhil Autar (not the Nikhil Autar who was interviewed before, or who’s in the URL of this article), I swear, and you should definitely NOT subscribe to his infrequent email list if you approve of alternative medicines being able to make whatever claims they want. PS – next time, I talk to another legit Instagram Influencer who insists his pyramid scheme shaped business is actually just a triangle on this episode of #MedicalFactz

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    If you wanna learn about that time that I was almost killed by misinformation spread by a guy trying to sell me supervitamins from his “Not a pyramid scheme because pyramid schemes are illegal and we’re still being prosecuted right now” multi-level marketing company – click here.

    To lend your voice against social media stars/alternative medicine practitioners who DON’T MAKE DISCLAIMERS THAT WHAT THEY SAY OR DO IS NOT MEDICALLY PROVEN OR SHOWN – something they legally should be doing – click here. If you wanna tweet about the campaign – click here. 

    Click here if you wanna tweet this article to your followers!

    I wanna make it sure this is absolutely clear, this is NOT Nikhil Autar who wrote this and you should NOT check out his Instagram or social media accounts – @nikhilautar .

    And you should DEFINITELY NOT listen to what he says just because he’s a researcher and is pictured in a lab coat in a certified lab. Because even he’d say to fact check EVERYTHING you see via credible sources!


    It’s 2019. Memes are love. Memes are life.

    Lol after my Dad Jokes page (which is literally just a compilation of dad jokes my dad made to keep me smiling during hospital) got a bit of traction and made a few people smile… I figured I may as well keep my memes in one place on the internet and let you enjoy. Updated regularly. There’s also a lot on my Facebook page! Enjoy!

    I cri evrytime =[

    MLMs – Doing a piece on these soon… In the meantime – watch John Oliver’s amazing piece on this. 

    Something to share with anyone who says “tHe gOvErNmEnT iS hiDiNg tHa CuRe” lol.

    It really feel like that sometimes… How alternative arseholes like this nearly killed me.

    Lol memeworthy af.

    This was actually something that was done LOL. I hope my startup (which uses machine learning/artificial intelligence) is this epic.

    Here you go Neil! I fixed it for ya (my reaction on his really dumb tweets, that misrepresent facts, can be found here). The meme below isn’t a meme but is true nonetheless.

    I’ve played poker with this legend. She’s clearly a great sport hahaha!

    Pharmacist reading level: Expert.

    THIS needs to be pointed out to so many people.



  • The Biggest Mistake a Man Can Make…

    Last post:                                      My Story:                                         Next One:

                                   Last #HIH:                                                    Next #HIH:

    I have to get regular bone marrow biopsies every few months as a leukemia patient. 

    As the name suggests, it’s a VERY painful procedure. But I only found out late last year that I could actually get sedation for it as an outpatient too with the aid of a wonderful drug called methoxyflurane.
    Methoxyflurane, also known as the ‘green whistle’, is easy to dispense, has powerful analgesic effects well below full doses and has little toxicity to boot, making it an ideal substitute for anesthesia in small procedures or emergency situations. 
    It also gets you high as hell. 
    When I first used it, my doctor mimed out the best way for me to hold and inhale it. 
    I was dubious at first, I wanted the full blown, heavy duty stuff if I was getting a needle through my hipbone… not some cheaper, less effective crap. 
    For some reason, she refused to handle the actual whistle adamantly. I read the box, it said, “Do not inhale if you are, or may be pregnant.” That must have been why, I figured, as I began to take deep breaths and the world began to move ever… so…. slowly…
    My parents told me that among other things, while I was going under I kept asking repatitively,
    “When’s the baby due?”
    “Is it a boy or a girl?” 
    “Have you picked out names?”

    Well. I found out recently that she’d never been pregnant…


    It didn’t help that I kept insisting that “YOU MUST BE NOW!” next time either…
    Maybe that’s why that biopsy hurt more than the others…
    I guess I’ve learnt my lesson…
  • Humour In Hospital 1 – Mary Johnson.

    Last post:                               My Story:                                  Next One:                                                    Latest #HIH:                                     Next #HIH:

    Hospitals are boring. 

    When you’re in there for months at a time, unable to see your friends, go to school or uni or work or even, at times, move for a while, it becomes agonising. 

    There are ways to occupy yourself, sure. But you can’t FaceBook or YouTube all day, not for a few weeks in a row in any case. You can’t read forever. You may not always physically be able to do assignments or answer calls for work. Being stuck in a room or building for a long time is never easy. 

    It’s what our prison system is based on. 

    But there are moments which stand out from the blur of hospital staff, time-pass and treatment. Moments which keep it all interesting. 

    And they’re almost always funny. 

    Humour is really important for a lot of patients. It not only gets them away from boredom, but also cheers them up when life seems rough, especially kids. It can be powerful in doing those things. And the great thing is, it can come from literally anywhere – doctors, nurses, random occurrences in the hospital, or the patient can create it for themselves.

    This series will be about some of the funniest, most memorable things that have happened to me while in hospital. 

    Here’s the first one.

    It started off an ordinary night. I was recovering from a dose of chemotherapy. Not many people know this, but most chemos don’t hurt or have too many immediate side effects as they’re injected into the veins. When it really begins to take effect, the week or so after that, is when it gets hard.

    One the common side-effects, one I was experiencing, about 2 weeks after the chemotherapies had been infused was low blood counts. For me that night, platelets were especially low, so I was getting a bag transfused at around 6pm.

    My nurse for that shift came and began making sure it was actually me the platelets were for, engaging in idle banter with my mother and I as she did so. They always check with another nurse as well to make sure that there wouldn’t be a mix-up. Once she was done, she put the bag up and let it run as usual. 

    “Wait a second, you’re Mary Johnson right?” she exclaimed as she was about to leave the room. We all laughed as she walked out, attending to another patient. She was one of the funnier nurses in the ward.

    I’d had at least a hundred of these transfusions before (I’m not even exaggerating), so it was all pretty much routine for me. But 15 minutes in, my lips began feeling… heavy. It seemed like they were growing bigger, minute by minute. Soon I couldn’t even close them. 

    I pressed the panic button. Something was up. 

    Nurses came rushing in, and soon enough, doctors were surrounding my bed. I was in anaphylactic shock – I’d had a severe reaction to the platelets. My face had swollen to twice it’s normal size, I was itchy, everywhere, and my throat was beginning to swell, slowly constricting my air ways. 

    I was lucky though. The nurses were fabulous at keeping me calm in such a scary situation, and the doctors were doing their job well too. Within an hour and a few shots of hydrocortisone, anti-histamines and a hit of adrenaline, I pulled out of it fine. A few days later, I was perfectly fine. 

    It wasn’t the nurse’s fault. I’d had a reaction to the preservatives in the platelets, or the antibodies in them or something else in the bag. It’s not like they weren’t matched to me. It was only fate which made her joke seem tasteless. She stayed back almost 2 hours past her shift, helping in my recovery and keeping an eye on me after it had all settled down, visibly trembling with worry. 

    The next morning, when both dad and mum were in the room with me, she peeped through the door during her shift to check up on me, even though I wasn’t her patient at the time. Even though we knew it wasn’t her fault, and though she knew that we didn’t blame her, she was pale with guilt. 

    “Morning, Mary Johnson,” said Dad before bursting into maniacal laughter.

    The horrified look on her face, the laughter of my parents and the reluctant chuckle she broke into after a few moments will stay with me forever. 

    From that moment onwards, I knew that whenever I saw her, or whenever I’d be getting another bag of platelets – even whenever I’d be administering them, I’d think back to that night. 

    But I wouldn’t be thinking about the excruciating pain of adrenalin as it forced blood too rapidly through the tiny vessels in my head, or the insatiable itching all over my body or the drowning feeling as my airways were constricted by the swelling of its own tissues. 

    I’d instead be thinking about the newly dubbed Mary Johnson. I’d remember the shock on her face. I’d remember my father’s laughter and my mother’s chiding look as he howled on for nearly a minute. I’d remember the looks of glee on the faces of the other nurses as we told them about her new nickname for work. 

    And I’m glad that I can see it that way. 

    All it took was 1 little joke. <– If you or a loved one needs help or if you enjoy my blogs or if you’re interested in medicine, like this page on facebook =]

  • Dad Jokes!

    During my time in hospital, and the months, years now of near isolation afterwards, my mum was the heart and head of my whole treatment. Keeping me safe, making sure I was comfortable and never alone, coordinating EVERYTHING that came with the cancer treatment, all while working, completing her MBA and keeping the house in order too (I still don’t know how she did it)… all those things. 

    But if she was the heart, Dad was the soul of my cancer “battle”. He kept me smiling, organized surprises and events, just him being the larrikin, the easy going person he is made my life that much easier. 

    The best thing he used to do though (and still does to this day) – was his jokes. 

    But a joke is wasted, if not told. And though he delivers those jokes with the best of them (even jokes I’ve heard thousands of times, I don’t mind hearing again when he tells them)… he sends us these crackers that he “makes up on his own” all the time. So without further ado, I’ll throw in his best ones, so hopefully you too can laugh no matter what too. 

    Pi** off DoorKnockers

    This is the kind of thing my dad does. After being woken up by Mormons at 8am on a Sunday, Dad was fed up. So he created this – the ultimate deterrent for any doorknocker. Get this free in an easy to print document below, or buy one from our online store – all profits fund my lifesaving startup – Get To Sleep Easy (more info on THAT here –> ) – which is creating affordable, lifesaving hospital beds for all!
    Sign up to my email newsletter to get it free! (Don’t worry, I don’t spam you, and you get it as soon as you sign up!)
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    Facebook Banter 

    Dad and I have a hate-hate relationship on Facebook. Whenever we get the chance, we take cheap shots on eachother. And I mean whenever… Once he hacked my Facebook and shared all the dirty pictures he could. Let’s just say I had a week of explaining to do… plus a few friendships tainted… 

    But this one was gold. 

    It was plastering day at med school the other week, and my tutorial happened to be on April Fool’s day. A GOLDEN opportunity to freak out my parents, right??? 

    Wrong. Because as I posted this.. he snuck in with this gem. 

    I’m not even mad… Mr Autar… take a bow. But I’d watch out for next time if I were you…
     I mean c’mon, his comment got more likes than my pic. I COULDA BEEN DYING GUYS!!!!!
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    Some of his “original jokes” that he kept saying to keep me smiling in the tough times. 

    Video Proof that we’re Dumb!

    So all the memes, jokes and things we get up to, I try and film when it’s remarkably stupid/fun. Check out my playlist on What Cancer Patients Do In Their Spare Time by clicking here.

    Be sure to like/comment/subscribe too while you’re there haha!

    Random Jokes he’d pull out from nowhere.

    Why We Pay Upper Management the Big Bucks

    A company, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hired a new CEO. The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers.

    On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning against a wall and idly picking his teeth. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business. He asked the guy,

    “How much money do you make a week?”

    A little surprised, the young man looked at him and said, “I make a little over $400 dollars a week, why?

    The CEO said,”Wait right here.”

    He walked back to his office, came back in two minutes, and handed the guy $1,600 in cash and said, “Here’s four weeks’ pay. Now GET OUT and don’t come back.”

    Feeling pretty good about himself the CEO looked around the room and asked,

    “Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did here?”

    From across the room a voice said,

    “Sure – he was the Pizza delivery guy from Domino’s and was just waiting to collect the money!”

    Marriage Training

    Son: Dad, I want to get married. 

    Father: First, tell me you’re sorry. 

    Son: For what? 

    Father: Say sorry. 

    Son: But for what ? What did I do? 

    Father: Just say sorry. 

    Son: But…what have i done wrong ? 

    Father: Say sorry! 

    Son: WHY? 

    Father: Say sorry!! 

    Son: Please, just tell me why? 

    Father: Say sorry!!! 

    Son: OK, Dad…i’m sorry! 

    Father: There ! You’re finished training. When you learn to say sorry for no reason at all, then you’re ready to get married!


    Here comes the Bride

    A young man excitedly tells his mother he’s fallen in love and that he is going to get married. 

    He says, “Just for fun, Ma, I’m going to bring over 3 girls and you try and guess which one I’m going to marry.” 

    The mother agrees. 

    The next day, he brings three women into the house and sits them down on the couch and they chat for a while. He then says, “Okay Ma, guess which one I’m going to marry.” 

    She immediately replies, “The one on the right.” 

    “That’s amazing, Ma. You’re right. How did you know?” 

    The mother replies, “I don’t like her.” 

    Report Card

    Father: Why did you get such a low score in that exam? 

    Son: Absence. 

    Father: You were absent on the day of the exam? 

    Son: No but the boy who sits next to me was!

    I feel sheepish for sharing this one… 

    After a talking sheepdog gets all the sheep in the pen, he reports back to the farmer: “All 40 accounted for.” 

    “But I only have 36 sheep,” says the farmer. 

    “I know,” says the sheepdog. “But I rounded them up.”

    Polly want a WHAT?”!?!!

    A man went to a pet shop looking to buy a parrot. The shop had several parrots but one was priced much lower than the others. When the man asked why one was so much cheaper than the others, the pet shop owner assured the man that he did not want the cheaper one because it had a very foul mouth. 

    “I’ve tried everything, but I can’t get him to stop cussing”, he explained. 

    Eager to save some money, the man bought the parrot, sure he could teach the bird not to cuss. He too tried everything to stop the parrot’s foul mouth. 

    Finally, in frustration, he put the bird in the freezer to cool off. After a few minutes, he opened the freezer to find the parrot with a totally changed attitude. 

    “Please, I’ll NEVER cuss again! Please let me out! By the way, what did the chicken do?”

    You can’t teach common sense

    An uneducated father with his educated son went on a camping trip. They set up their tent and fell asleep. Some hours later, the father woke up his son. 

    Father: Look up to the sky and tell me what you see. 

    Son: I see millions of stars… 

    Father: And what does that tell you? 

    Son: Astronomically, it tells me that, there are millions of galaxies and planets out there! 

    Father slaps the son hard on his hand and says, “Idiot, someone has stolen our tent!”

    Trolling the bro

    It’s just so fun to do! The poor soul has to suffer SO MUCH of our crap. This here below is why he has trust issues.

    The ol’ rancher.

    A rancher was minding his own business when an FBI agent came up up to him and said, “We got a tip that you may be growing illegal drugs on the premises. Do you mind if I take a look around?” 

    The old rancher replied, “That’s fine, you shouldn’t go over there though.” As he pointed at one of his fields. 

    The FBI agent snapped at him, “I’m am a federal agent! I can go wherever I want!” With that he pulled out his badge and shoved it into the ranchers face. 

    The rancher shrugged this off and continued with his daily chores. About 15 minutes later he heard a loud scream from the field he had pointed out earlier. All of a sudden he could see the FBI agent sprinting towards him with a large bull on his heels. 

    The rancher rushed to the fence and yelled, “HEY HEY!!”, tugging his shirt, “SHOW HIM YOUR BADGE!”

    The glass is always half full.

    This poor man is facing surgery on both his feet because of severe wounds. The doctor has warned him that he cannot tell how bad the damage is until he gets him in the operating room and he has prepared the man for the worst. 

    After surgery, the man is slowly waking up and he sees the surgeon approaching his bed. The doc looks at him and says, “I have good news news and I have bad news – which would you like first?” 

    The man nervously responds, “Give me the bad news first.” The doc says, “I had to take both your feet” 

    “Oh my, what could possibly be the good news?” says the man. 

    “The guy in the bed next to you wants to buy your slippers!” 

    I’m gonna keep updating this with more laughs and videos of some stuff he’s done too! Not to mention the post with the dirtier jokes he’s shared with me in another post soon…
    So make sure you subscribe here, like Musings of a Med Student Patient on Facebook, check out my YouTube and all the other funny posts on this blog (look under the “Humour in Hospital” section) and hopefully, dad can keep you guys smiling too =] 

    It isn’t always easy, but you can always find something to smile about during your toughest times. All you need, at times, is a little push to remind you of that. How I used my mind to stay as healthy, hearty, and, most importantly, happy during my cancer journey. And still do to this day. 

    Dad, in any photo. Can you figure out which one is dad?


  • You won’t believe what my friends got me before chemo… Boys will be Boys. Humour in Hospital #7

     Last post:                                     My Story:                                         Next One

    Chemo was about to start. 

    At this stage I was ready. I’d taken a step back from the depression and shock of diagnosis. I’d questioned all my doubts and fears and was now focusing on being as healthy and as happy as possible. The only things I could control.

    I’d locked myself up in my room, told my friends and family to meet me after the first round was done. Chemo brings your immunity down to virtually zero. I couldn’t afford to even risk getting the sniffles at that point.My mind was ready for the ordeal. My attitude perfectly tuned towards getting through this thing, as those who’ve heard or read my story would know.

    But I still feeling alone… I still missed my friends. 
    It was my last year of high school…
    Even if I did get through this, who knows if I’d ever get to see them again? 
    And then one magical evening, on the night of the State of Origin (the Superbowl of Australia for those non-Aussie readers), just before the chemo was about to take effect, my school mates payed me a surprise visit. 
    It was the best surprise ever. 
    For someone who’s likely only gonna see the faces of doctors, nurses and family for the next 6 months to a year… this was the best gift possible. 
    For you guys reading this… I hope this highlights the power of just saying “Hi”. To someone who’s doing it tough, to the odd kid sitting alone at lunch, or to your parents who you haven’t called in a few months. Pick up that phone, or open up that tab and message them now.
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    Because seeing my friends there, getting to act as if nothing was happening… even for a few moments… that made me believe that I would get through this and see them again. 
    And that’s the best gift I’ve EVER been given. 
    But they also brought along another gift…
    Before the gang left the room after chilling for an hour, Isnad, a good friend, a good man; the boy on the right, turned to me and whispered,

    “Check out what’s in the bag.” 
    I opened it up. 
    Lo and behold…

    A Playboy Magazine.Classic Isnad.

    We burst into laughter. Typical High school boys. 
    But then I realised, “Shit! What if mum sees this??”
    And then Dad came to the ‘rescue’.
    “Here, son. I’ll hide it for you.”
    Needless to say… I never saw that magazine again…