My Huge Clock. Humour in Hospital #4

  Before you get all worked up, re-read the title.  As it is Christmas today, I thought I’d share the best gift I’d ever gotten.    You see, in hospital, while getting my treatment (i.e. chemotherapy and radiation), I’d often wake up with intense pain or nausea, often finding myself drenched in sweat. And every time that happened, I got scared.     But the worst thing about that was that I’d wake up in the middle of night and not know whether I’d had 5 hours or 5 minutes of sleep… not know whether the doctors or blood collectors […]

It’s 2020 and I’m Not Sure If I’ll Be Able to Tell If It’s April Fool’s Anymore…

It’s been a wild year so far. So wild, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to tell the difference between an ordinary day and April Fool’s by what I’m gonna see on news and social media… So much for 2020 vision.Can someone call it off, just for one year maybe? Be careful, and don’t be had this April Fool’s! Be careful people. Don’t be tricked. If you’re keen for a laugh, check out this playlist I put together of the stupid stuff I’ve pulled on family/friends over the years!      

Inner City Hipster Struggles to Find New Alternative Medicine Trend As All The Ludicrous Ones Are “Already Taken”.

Click to ReTweet this article – True struggles were finally outed for embattled Inner-western suburbs university student and influencer, Ketchup Sharmautar, as he opened up to his month long struggle to find anything ridiculous, yet natural, to post about trying to his 13,222 followers. “It’s not easy being me.” confessed Ketchup, “And it’s not like you can just make these up. Getting the correct balance between something left-field enough to capture attention, while still being natural enough and marketable to make a decent margin through my online store.” “The gold rush is over. The Good Old days of Urine […]


It’s 2019. Memes are love. Memes are life. Lol after my Dad Jokes page (which is literally just a compilation of dad jokes my dad made to keep me smiling during hospital) got a bit of traction and made a few people smile… I figured I may as well keep my memes in one place on the internet and let you enjoy. Updated regularly. There’s also a lot on my Facebook page! Enjoy! I cri evrytime =[ MLMs – Doing a piece on these soon… In the meantime – watch John Oliver’s amazing piece on this.  Something to share with […]

The Biggest Mistake a Man Can Make…

Last post:                                      My Story:                                         Next One:                                Last #HIH:                                                    Next #HIH: I have to get regular bone marrow biopsies every few months as a leukemia patient.    As the […]

Humour In Hospital 1 – Mary Johnson.

Last post:                               My Story:                                  Next One:                                                    Latest #HIH:                                     Next #HIH: Hospitals are boring.  When you’re in there for months at a time, unable to see your friends, go to school or uni or […]

Dad Jokes!

During my time in hospital, and the months, years now of near isolation afterwards, my mum was the heart and head of my whole treatment. Keeping me safe, making sure I was comfortable and never alone, coordinating EVERYTHING that came with the cancer treatment, all while working, completing her MBA and keeping the house in order too (I still don’t know how she did it)… all those things.  But if she was the heart, Dad was the soul of my cancer “battle”. He kept me smiling, organized surprises and events, just him being the larrikin, the easy going person he is […]

You won’t believe what my friends got me before chemo… Boys will be Boys. Humour in Hospital #7

 Last post:                                     My Story:                                         Next One Last #HIH:  Next #HIH: Chemo was about to start.    At this stage I was ready. I’d taken a step back from the depression and shock of diagnosis. I’d questioned all my doubts and fears and was now focusing on being as healthy and as happy as possible. The only things I could control.   I’d locked myself up in my […]